M3 Inner Circle - My first traffic source.
M3 Inner Circle - Traffic Source 1
Personally I'm building a part-time affiliate business.
So I'm only interested in traffic sources that once set up I can run automatically.
It means paid traffic, but hey ho.
M3 Inner Circle is Jeff Aman's first recommended traffic source which does require some
time in setting up then runs on auto.
M3 Inner Circle is a Traffic Zipper 'bundle' - a special offer that Jeff requested be
brought back for his subscribers - it's great value!
You definitely want to use a fresh Gmail address so you can easily keep track of
all the login details from all the sites you will be opening accounts with.
Traffic Zipper is a service that lets members manage many safe list type traffic
sites from it's easy to use interface.
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Update 18th April
Been running traffic to my optin page split test
Early days...
Too early to make any decisions.
'Action' in Leadsleap means new email subscribers in my Sendshark Account.
I've actually been testing two traffic sources Leadsleap 'll' and Traffic Zipper 'tz'. M3 Inner Circle is basically a Traffic Zipper special offer bundle which is why I've labelled it tz.
I've been testing 3 different optin pages, but each has achieved 1 sign up - so no signs of a 'winner'.
Jeff posted further info on this traffic source which maybe of interest - https://llpgpro.com/xc8jwgnf/
Sharing what works for me.
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